
Saturday, July 3, 2010

lonely little blog

I feel like our blog is probably pretty lonely. Some people may stop by and see it but for the most part its pretty quiet around here. Thats just how we are I guess. The last while has been challenging and we haven't had a lot of time to socialize with old friends and unfortunately some of them have probably gone. Truth be told I think we've just been waiting and time keeps passing by. I am feeling better and better as the move approaches and this beautiful house that we have lived in (enjoyed MOST of the time) has been such an incredible learning experience. I will share have to share the story another time as it is quite long and I know many of you do not know the details but I am sure many could guess just by reading back a while.
So for those of you who visit thanks! let us know so we can come visit you :)


Mason Family said...

just wanted to know we stopped by.. check out or blog.

First Child said...

Hey thanks for being my Alice in more ways than one.
1. Trew an over the top beautiful fun party that I appriciated more than Bella.
2. Your a real great sister in-law and if you sense someone is going to kill me you always let me know.
3. You dressed the part and looked so much like her. She is the cutest vampire.
4. Great friend who I am glad will live closer to us.