Ode to the Santa Head Coookie........
From your red sprinkled cap, your marshmallow pom pom, chocoloate chip eyes, and your rosy red hot nose. A coconut beard and a white frosting face..... oh how we love you.
So, let me explain.... A family tradition in my family ever since I can possibly remember, every December everyone in the family would get together and make Santa Head Cookies. We have seriously done this every year since I can remember. We would make a little assembly line with all the different candies and goodies and would turn out easily a 100 of these cookies every year. My mom would make the sugar cookies and frost them, and the rest of us would decorate. Only rule in the cookie making process.... "Don't lick your fingers!". All the leftover cookies we'd make would get put in the freezer to enjoy all month.
We've all grown and some of us have even moved away, but without fail every year, we still make those cookies. In recent years the cookie making has usually included more whining from all of us, many more laughs, and quickly turns into a freak show of sorts, seeing who can make the cookie that resembles Santa the least. Three eyes, Gangster Santa, Cyclops and whatever else we could possibly come up with, there have even been cookies knownto hold a close resemblance to my dad.
Well we have made fun of my mom for years saying, I swear we'd make so many of those cookies that we'd have them in our lunch till Valentines Day! (seriously though, I'm positive I did) Last year, as usual, we made a ridiculous amount of cookies, most of them got stuck in the freezer to bring out through the month. Well some of those cookies didnt get eaten last year, instead they got pushed to the back of the freezer until LAST WEEK! And my mom, thought it would be so
hilarious to give us a plate of cookies for our anniversary gift. I showed up to my parents house to discover the gift from my mom was the cookies! Mom has really outdone her self this year, we're eating Santa Heads in July!
So, Thanks for the laughs mom and we're all looking forward to making them again in 4 months!