
Saturday, November 13, 2010

It had potential....

Well... I'm sure many of you at this point have heard about the "Carnival Splendor" cruise ship this week in the news. Wouldn't you know it- that was the cruise we were on? Talk about luck....
In case you HADN'T heard for some STRANGE reason here are a few news stories about our trip that definitely had potential to be great but ended not so great.

Many people have been wondering what Carnival is doing for the guests for all this. I just wanted to let everyone know that despite the VERY unfortunate events that happened this week all I can say is- Hats off to Carnival and their staff and crew. They did an incredible job making the best of the situation that was handed to us. They refunded in full the cruise, put us up in the Sheraton in San Diego for one night, offered free meals in the hotel AND meal credits in the hotel restaurant, adjusted our flight information home (we were scheduled to fly out Sunday when the cruise was supposed to get back but they adjusted our flights to Friday), they gave us a free cruise and many, MANY apologies. Don't get me wrong it SUCKED pretty bad but I am so impressed by the crew that worked themselves into the ground to do the best they good to make the trip as good as possible.
I am still a little wary of the idea of going on another cruise- the Egberts are pretty much cursed when it comes to cruises- but we will see :)


Amanda and Jake Matagi said...

Seriously, I actually know someone that went through that. Out of all the cruise lines and all the weeks you guys chose to go on a cruise. I'm sorry that you were stuck out there. What are they doing for their guests? Is a free cruise in the mix? I'm glad you guys are home safe and just put this in your book of memories cause this one probably tops them all.