
Sunday, August 24, 2008

Day 507

After all this time, I can't believe we're only a few weeks away from our house being done. It felt like it would never come. Everything is coming along quite well lately and it really looks like we'll be done soon!The cabinets in house got installed yesterday. It seems like a real house now. The cabinets look great and I'm so excited that they are finally in.

Zira seems to be getting accustomed to life in the new house. It hadn't been more than 5 minutes since we had walked in the door when Zira decided to mark her territory on the new floors. All we can hope is that she doesn't get used to that! Its awfully hard to love her when their is a huge pee spot on the brand new floors! I'm pretty sure that if it leaves any sort of mark on the travertine, chris will probably freak out. If she keeps this up, she definately won't be getting a new friend to play with!


Gilly Funk said...

I've got just the thing to get that new stain out. This has happened to me a few times, but it was from a different kind of animal.
Love the cabinets

Stephanie said...

I love it! Make sure that basement is ready for me and kev...