When we got Zira almost 3 years ago she was only 6 weeks old. Zira was my first dog so having a puppy was a whole new experience for me.
We learned a lot those first few months including one thing that never ceased to gross both of us out.... I guess we just never thought of dogs having baby teeth and them falling out and new ones growing in, makes sense though right?
I distinctly remember finding Zira's first baby tooth stuck into my pant legs after Zira had been biting my pants as I walked by. I remember being so grossed out that there was a tooth stuck in my pants! At first I was completely disgusted then about 2 seconds later so worried that Zira's teeth were falling out, I yelled for Chris and he so calmly said it was probably just a baby tooth. I had no idea! For the next few months Zira continued to loose teeth. I'm not talking like one here and there sometimes you would be playing tug of war and the rope toy would suddenly have 2 or 3 teeth stuck in it. It always seemed to gross us out!
Well, we when got Nico we knew to expect the teeth falling out and we both knew we were approaching the time. I was just always kind of hoping that I would never actually find a tooth.
Well, last night while we were making dinner I was walking around setting the table and getting things ready to eat. As I walked around to the table I stepped on something, something REALLY sharp. I jerked my foot up and there stuck in the bottom of my foot was something.. I flicked it off and it slid across the floor. I looked down at it and realized this was not a rock, this was a TOOTH! Needless to say I was extremely grossed out. Chris and I laughed for a minute and realized the stage of losing teeth is officially here.
That was only last night, we haven't found any other teeth and she is still so young that I don't think she has lost many but she already lost another one today! We were talking and both looked over to see Nico biting on Zira and attacking her (nothing unusual) when we realized Zira was covered with blood. Sure enough Nico had lost another tooth and was chewing on Zira and bleeding everywhere! I felt so bad for Zira!
I know losing her baby teeth is pretty much inevitable but if anyone has any ideas of what to do to make it easier let us know!
Romanticize Your Home
1 week ago